Friday 5 February 2010

synopsis of possible film

We follow Tyrone’s revenge quest into the kidnapping of his wife two children. Tyrone smith lived a typical happy family life when his wife and two children when there were suddenly kidnapped by Arab forces.
The happy family once lived the high life in Applevil both with very successful careers in acting and directing. This high profiled life attracted attention by both the public and media as they were known as positive influences across the world. As well as positive support Tyrone also revived death threats on a weekly basis threatening to kidnap and torture his family. Paying no attention to these letters and phone calls, one day Tyrone was on his way to work when he received a phone calling telling him that his wife and children has just been kidnapped and he must pay a ransom if he wanted the rest of his greater family to live.
The next day Tyrone then receives another package suspiciously wondering what’s inside. He then receives a video tape of his wife getting raped and killings of his two children. To find who done this to his family Tyrone and two of his closest family friends go on a wild killings spree to find out who done this.
Days pass by until the trio get trapped and separated by the Arab forces. As clues all begin to add up and a final killer is exposed one of the trio gets violently tortured and killed. While faith and hope weakens they then get a message from his wife letting us know that she is still alive.

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