Tuesday 2 February 2010

Scipt For Preliminary Exercise



Establishing shot from outside Harrow College. Cut to Harrow College stairs, camera tracking point of view shot, to add mysterious of actor 1.

Character walks down stairs nervously breathing heavily, looks at board and points at room 118, and then goes round the corner.

Cut to camera behind actor 1 until actor 1 turns left until actor 1 is turned.

Low tracking shot behind actor 1 from about shoe level. Then slow rise revealing more and more of actor 1.

Cut to medium shot of actor 1 opening door. Cut close up of hand shaking trying to open door. Then tilt shot of key dropping and character getting key off floor. Then from a low angle, shot of character opening door.

Point of other actor 2 point of view of actor 1 entering the room.

Then shot reverse shot of actors talking.


I have been expecting you Mr. Lewis.


Who me?


You have been intruding on government property.

Actor 1

I have had enough, you disrespect me now I will kill you.

Shot of two, actor one pulls out gun.

Cuts to P.O.V shot of actor two.

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