Friday, 26 March 2010


Photos of location/setting

Based on the group synopsis I have decided to take a few pictures of different locations that I think might be good for the story lines. I have used a variety of different interiors and exterior shots to decide the best. Having these images will allow my group and I to make better decisions in which location would be better.

The drama studio

The drama studio could be an ideal setting for me because it allows me to control the variables. For example filming would not depend on the weather or an other environmental issues that could disrupt filming. Using this drama studio could be ideal because it is already equipped with full lighting and no other external noise e.g cars or background noise. This would be good if we decided to do a mono loge and the character needs special types of shots that only in a studio you can produce.

Outside a school

Outside a school would be suitable because it shows that the child is young and that the child is still in school. Filming outside a school could be an advantage because it shows other children and his peer group in school.

A park

The park would be an ideal place to film because we could film the child playing and having fun before film get into the main story line. There are many different shots that we can use in a playground and using the different playground equipment.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Research Into Title Sequence

Questionnaire ruselts

Questionnaire results

We have conducted a questionnaire to find out what the specific relationship between the type of audience and types of thriller films that watch. We have done this to analyse the market and what makes a successful thriller film. This will help our production company make smarter choices in what conventions to use in this thriller film. We have found that:
We have asked an equal number of male and females to get a equal response rate. This shows that our research is not unfair.
2) The age ranging from under 14 to 26+ give us a large amount of data that we can use and analysis. The difference between the under 14 age group and a 26+ target audience would be the level of violence and sexual activity that the audience would see in the movie. We posted out questionnaire on facebook and we have found out that with more children into 5 – 17 year olds. . Due to our peer groups and we have only managed to collect data from the groups we socialize with.
We have found that our biggest target audience between 5-17so this is our prime audience.

3) The ethnicity question was very important because it shows us which background people come from. We found out that we got more Asian other and black Caribbean than any other ethnic groups, this means that our film has to be very diverse and multi cultural to everybody.
4) The sexuality question was very important in our studies because it shown us what type of characters we should be used in the play. If we had a more homophobic audience or guy audience we would change our broadcasting to suit the audience.
5) The parent’s profession was very important because it shows us what type of humour can be used in the play if we had a middle class audience we would have to change the langue to suit this type of audience. We have found out that we have more of a working/middle class audience so we would have to mix and match the language used.
6) Giving us a brief idea of your favourite thriller film lets us know what we should base the conventions and basic idea of what you like. You could say it’s like a template on what you already like and we use this template like a stencil to form another thriller film.
The most common movies that were mentioned was thriller films like: Saw, the grudge and seven
7) Using the typical conventions of thriller films are very important because you can either use the general conventions or you can be advance and move onto a more advance level. We have found out that people would want more of an advance level in the conventions meaning more violence and blood. Also special effects were also popular in making thriller films more scary and interesting.
8) Within the thriller genera there are many different sub genera’s that you can split movies into. As horror is such a wide open genera, it has to be broken down into many sections. The questionnaire results have proven that people like more of an action and psychological type of movie rather than a political horror.
9) Story lines are very important because it sets the bass lines and the whole story of the image that the director has. With a good story line you can engage the reader and keep then interested in suspense. The best story lines that people have chosen was from their favourite films like: seven and I know what you done last summer. These movies are important because it gives us a template on what the basics conventions a successful film needs.
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