Friday 26 March 2010


Photos of location/setting

Based on the group synopsis I have decided to take a few pictures of different locations that I think might be good for the story lines. I have used a variety of different interiors and exterior shots to decide the best. Having these images will allow my group and I to make better decisions in which location would be better.

The drama studio

The drama studio could be an ideal setting for me because it allows me to control the variables. For example filming would not depend on the weather or an other environmental issues that could disrupt filming. Using this drama studio could be ideal because it is already equipped with full lighting and no other external noise e.g cars or background noise. This would be good if we decided to do a mono loge and the character needs special types of shots that only in a studio you can produce.

Outside a school

Outside a school would be suitable because it shows that the child is young and that the child is still in school. Filming outside a school could be an advantage because it shows other children and his peer group in school.

A park

The park would be an ideal place to film because we could film the child playing and having fun before film get into the main story line. There are many different shots that we can use in a playground and using the different playground equipment.

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